Project creation

First, you need to create a project. To do this, go to the "Projects" tab and click on the "Add project" button:

When you click on the "Add project" button, a window named "Create project" will appear.

Once you have filled in the "Project name" field, you should define the project type. You can find more information about project types here.

The project type is determined based on the instructions - Picture/Video, Point Cloud/3D.

Then, you should specify the location of the files - either on the platform's storage or external storage. For more information about storage, please check out File Storage.

Once you have entered all the necessary information, confirm by clicking "Save." Once the project is created, the project page with the following tabs will open:

  • Status

  • Files

  • Upload

  • Classes

  • Users

  • Reports

  • Exports

  • Changelog

  • Configuration

Last updated