ðŸ‘ūAnnotation of Bitmap object


Transfers to the previous keyframe

If the keyframe is missing before the current keyframe, the icon is not highlighted

Not a keyframe


Indicates whether the current frame is a keyframe or not

Delete the keyframe

Deletes the keyframe

Transfer to the next keyframe

Moves to the next keyframe. If there is no next keyframe, the icon is not highlighted.

Delete the object completely

Deletes the annotation completely

The object is not visible from here onwards

Hides the object on the current and subsequent frames. Upon clicking "LEAVE NEXT KEYFRAMES" all the object instances will be hidden up to the next keyframe. To remove the object mask from the current keyframe to the end of the file - select "DELETE NEXT KEYFRAMES", to undo the action you should press "CANCEL"

The object is visible from here onwards

Enables the hidden object on the current and subsequent frames.


Binds objects to each other, in the pattern Parent > Child


Redraws an existing object

Change the Stacking order

Changes the order in which objects are displayed if their annotation boundaries are overlapped: Bring to front; Send to back; Place in front of object; Place behind object

A detailed application of the Stacking order can be found here

Change the type

Changes the type (class) of the annotated object


The function merges two objects by taking all instances of one up to the current frame and all instances of the other from the current frame onwards and joining them into one.


The function allows you to split an object in the current frame, making the selected object invisible from the current frame onwards, while creating a new object that takes up all instances that have been removed from the selected object

Add Lasso

This function adds Lasso - adds a mask over the Lasso outline

Subtract Lasso

This function subtracts the Lasso - removes the mask over the Lasso outline

Add brush

This tool enables the user to create and modify a mask. The user has the option to select the brush shape, either circle or square, and adjust the brush size using the scroll function ("[" to decrease, "]" to increase) in 1-pixel increments. To draw a straight line, the user can click where the line starts and then press Ctrl while clicking where the line ends. This combination can be used to draw multiple segments of straight lines.


This tool enables the user to delete pixels from the mask.

Add auto-selection

This function adds Auto Selection to reduce the time it takes for operators to draw object contours using this tool.

Substract auto-selection

This function subtracts Auto Selection. This function is provided to reduce the operator's time for drawing the object contours with this tool.

Add AI annotation

Segmenting images can be a complex task, but with the AI Annotation: Segment Anything feature it can be done in just a few clicks. This algorithm is specifically designed to segment objects in images. When you select function the AI Annotation: Segment Anything in the configuration window, you will gain access to several tools for adding points. These include Foreground points, Background points, and Containing Box, which can all be used to help you achieve the perfect segmentation.

Subtract AI annotation

You can use this tool to remove the annotation from a selected area.


This function allows you to drag (move) the mask

Spot healing

During annotation, use the object editing tools to remove holes, islands, or both artefacts. Adjust the spot size threshold with scrolling.

Edge smoothing

A tool to smooth distorted annotation edges. Adjust scroll sensitivity for clarity.

You can adjust the line accuracy of this drawing with the "Sensitivity" slider.

If you need to annotate a single solid object in a file, you can take advantage of the Auto-Select feature. Simply select the object, click on the "Add Auto-Selection" button, and put a dot over the object. You can fine-tune the accuracy of the selection by adjusting the Sensitivity and then clicking "Apply". If the tool detects and highlights similar pixels outside of the object you want to annotate, you can use the Subtract Auto-Selection tool. Just put a dot over the excessive pixels and adjust the Sensitivity threshold to remove them.

When using the Spot Healing tool, you have the option to adjust the settings to suit your requirements. You can choose to remove holes (absent pixels within the object's mask), remove islands (excessive pixels outside the mask), or both. Additionally, you can modify the tool's sensitivity by dragging the threshold slider.

Last updated