Files filtering

There are various criteria for filtering files in the project, which can help you find specific files or groups of files with particular features. You can enable the display of the filters, which are:

  • File name;

  • Segment;

  • Created on - the date of creation (upload) of the file is displayed;

  • Last changed on - the date of most recent editing of the file;

  • Stage

  • Stage type

  • Frames

  • Width

  • Height

  • Objects - number of annotated objects in the file;

  • Comments - the number of comments present in the file;

  • Open comments

  • External comments

  • Open external comments

  • Resolved external comments;

  • Verified external comments;

  • Assignee name, login, and tags;

  • Assigned on;

  • Due date;

  • Annotation completed on;

  • Annotation worker name, login, and tags;

  • Verification completed on;

  • Verification worker name, login, and tags;

  • Stage changed on;

  • Stage changer name, login, and tags;

  • Annotation changed on;

  • Annotation changer name, login, and tags.

Filters contain five types of fields:

Text field

This filter type is used to sort files by name, comments, assignee name, and other test-based information.

● = contains matches any string that contains each of the specified words in the same order, with anything in between the matched words. For example, the filter “John Tolkien” will match the string “John Ronald Reuel Tolkien”, as well as the string “a book by John Tolkien”, but not the string “Tolkien, John R.R.”.

● ≠ not contains the opposite of the above: matches any string that does not have the specified words in the same order.

● ✔ is not empty matches any non-empty string

● ✗ is empty matches an empty string

Numeric field

This filter type is used to organize files based on objects and frame numbers.

  • = equals the value exactly equals the specified number

  • ≠ not equals the value is anything but the specified value (including non-existing value)

  • ≤ less than or equal the value exists and is less than, or equal to the specified number.

  • ≥ greater than or equal the value exists and is greater than, or equal to the specified number.

  • ✔ is not empty matches any existing value

  • ✗ is empty matches a non-existing value

Date field

This filter type is used to organize files based on date information (Date of file creation, changing and so on).

  • = equals the value is any instant within the specified date

  • ≤ less than or equal the value exists and is an instant on the specified date or before it

  • ≥ greater than or equal the value exists and is an instant on the specified date or after it

  • ✔ is not empty matches any existing value

  • ✗ is empty matches a non-existing value

Duration field

This filter type is used to organize files based on duration of different types of work. It is used in reports tab.

  • = equals the value equals the specified duration (values are compared to one second precision, milliseconds are ignored)

  • ≤ less than or equal the value exists and is less than, or equal to the specified duration.

  • ≥ greater than or equal the value exists and is greater than, or equal to the specified duration.

  • ✔ is not empty matches any existing value

  • ✗ is empty matches a non-existing value

Selection field

This filter type is used to organize files based on information that has limited choice of option, like stages or stage types.

  • = one of the value is one of the selected options. A special “✗ (empty)” options may be selected to match empty values.

  • ≠ not one of the value exists and is not one of the selected options. Again, the special “✗ (empty)” option may be use to match non-empty values.

Attribute filtering

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