Release notes 1.81

Keylabs 1.81 Release Notes

Design updates

This version brings a lot of design improvements and adjustments that may be seen all over the place. Below is the list of the most significant changes, but there are many smaller fixes that are not important enough to be listed here.

Application header

Application header became a bit narrower, which saves more vertical space for pages.

No tasks left

This message appears when an annotator starts working on a project (or completes a file), and there are no additional files to work on.

Editor updates

Toolbar and side panels

Side panels in the editor do not have free space around and between them anymore. There is also less padding and spacing between elements inside the panels. All this to save vertical space and allow more content to be shown simultaneously.

Some decorative elements were removed from the editor toolbar and side panels to save even more space and reduce overall clutter.

Polygon and lasso tools

Skeleton/mesh occlusion

It is now possible to move between frames while editing skeleton vertex occlusion

Completing work for today

When a user marks the current file as complete, a new file gets immediately assigned to that user. If it happens at the end of the user's shift, then the file remains assigned to this user until the user comes back for the next shift, and is not available to other workers.

Sometimes this may cause bottlenecks, so we added a way to complete a file without getting a new file assigned. This is achieved by clicking the “Complete annotation” button with the right mouse button: in this case, instead of assigning a new file, Annotation Platform will redirect the user back to the “My assignments” page.

Menu on left click: the user will remain in the editor and will be assigned a new file.

Menu on right click: the user will be redirected to My Assignments page

Editor preview dialog

Keyboard shortcuts were added to navigate between files in the preview dialog:

  • Shift + PageDown - move to the next file

  • Shift + PageUp - move to the previous file

  • Shift + End - move to the last file

  • Shift + Home - move to the first file

Other changes

Error notifications

Error notifications are now always displayed in a pop-up alert box, so unlike in the previous version, a user that encountered a problem now has time to read the message and copy it (and there is a smaller chance to completely miss the error, compared to earlier versions).

Private items in classes configuration

Improvements in project users tab

In the Users tab of the project page, each stage now has a toggle for enabling/disabling work in this stage. This allows managers to immediately see if the work is enabled on a stage while assigning users, and enable/disable work if needed without switching to the Status tab and back.

You may also note that the “Add user” button was moved from the section title row into the users list, and became bigger.

Unassign user through user’s projects list

In the user's projects dialog, a new context menu was added that has the options for removing the user from a selected role or stage in a project.

Totals in “Timetable - Raw data” report

The option to show totals is now available in the “Timetable - Raw Data” report.

Tables and Reports

Selection filters in tables and reports now allow selecting multiple values. Selection filters include for example: “User Role”, “Stage” and similar.

It is now possible to show or hide all table columns at once.

Notable bug fixes

Resolved crash at startup after using some browser extensions

Some browser extensions may store their data in a web page’s local storage. Sometimes such foreign records were processed incorrectly by the Application Platform, which prevented the application from starting properly.

Last updated