Release notes 1.88-1

Keylabs 1.88-1 Release Notes

Navigation between files

When the editor is displayed side by side with the files list, three additional buttons will appear in the files list footer: select previous file, find current file, and select next file.

Find current file

Clicking this button will switch files list to the page that contains the file currently open in the editor and will scroll that file into the view. If the current file cannot be found (for example, if the file does not match the current table filters, or has been deleted), an error message will be displayed.

After reloading the browser page (with Ctrl+R or F5), the files list will automatically try to find the currently open file.

Select previous/next file

Clicking one of these buttons will open in the editor a file that directly precedes or succeeds the currently open file in the files list. If the currently open file cannot be found in the list, an error message will be displayed.

Alternatively, use keyboard shortcuts Shift+PageUp for selecting the previous file and Shift+PageDown for selecting the next file.

Select first/last file

Use keyboard shortcut Shift+Home to select the first file in the files list, and Shift+End to select the last file in the files list.

Copy link

In all tables with links (projects list, files list, velocity report, etc) there is now a β€œCopy link” item in the context menu, which copies link address into the clipboard.

Last updated